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Papers must be sent in Springer format.

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Full papers must be received, which must contain 6 to 8 pages. These papers must present experiences results, conclusions and future work.

Short papers will be received, which must contain 4 to 5 pages. These papers will be the instrument to present and share experiences in the process.

All contributions to CONTIE publications must undergo a rigurous, double blind, peer review by a mininum of three noted IT industry professionals/academicians before a contribution is selected to appear in any CONTIE publication.

All submissions should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Conference.


The works accepted in CONTIE 2024, may be published according to the following conditions:

  • Papers received and that were written in Spanish, must be presented in the conference to be published in a book with ISBN “Avances en tecnologías inclusivas aplicadas en educación en iberoamérica". Editorial CONAIC.
  • A selection of the best papers in English that have been accepted and published in the conference will be recommended (post-conference) for an extended version in:
    • Latin American Journal of Learning Technologies (IEEE-RITA).
    • Tecnología Educativa (CONAIC)
    • The Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS) published by Springer.
    • The International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI) published by T&F.


You can send your papers through the EasyChair platform


Cost per paper for the author (reduced prices - July 31 to September 4, 2024):

  • 1 paper $230 USD
  • Additional papers $130 USD
  • Assistant without paper $140 USD (Includes access to conferences and participation certificate)

Cost per paper after September 5, 2024:

  • 1 paper $250 USD
  • Additional paper $150 USD
  • Assistant without paper $160 USD (Includes access to conferences and participation certificate)