Dr. César Alberto Collazos Ordóñez

Universidad del Cauca, Colombia

Dr. César Collazos is a full-time professor in the Systems Department of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications at the Universidad del Cauca, Colombia.

He is coordinator of the IDIS group (Research and Development in Software Engineering) and coordinator in the HCI-Collab network (Collaborative Network to support teaching-learning processes in Human-Computer Interaction at the Ibero-American level). His research covers topics such as computer-mediated collaboration, collaborative software development and design of interactive technologies

Dr. Manuel Jesús Ibarra Cabrera

Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac, Perú

Dr. Manuel Ibarra is a full-time professor at the Academic Professional School of Computer and Systems Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurimac.

He has an academic background at the University of Chile, the Technical University of Endhoven Netherlands and at the Professional School of Software Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Currently, he is engaged in research work in the areas of software engineering, educational computing and IoT.

Dra. Mónica Adriana Carreño León

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, Mexico

Dr. Mónica Carreño is a full-time professor, founder of the Academic Department of Computer Systems and leader of the Academic Body Technological Development and Innovation. In addition to being founder of the International Network of Inclusive Technologies and Education (RITIE) and co-responsible for the Research Laboratory on Inclusive Technologies and Educational Innovation (GIDTIITEC), she has participated as a leader and advisor in various projects that incorporate the use of technology to support education.

Her main research areas focus on gamification, inclusive technologies, tangible user interfaces and m-Learning.